Customer is India's leading Co-operative Bank and was looking for a Cyber security company to implement Reserve Bank of India issued Cyber Security guidelines for Co-operative Banks, also to achieve ISO 27001. Customer achieved required compliances.
Customer is one of the biggest Core Banking solution vendor in India. All the security loopholes were to be identified using OWASP top 10 and Functional testing of the Application as per RBI guidelines. Customer successfully achieved the desired objective.
Customer is a leading Algo-trader in India. Customer wanted to comply with the international security standards as well as SEBI guidelines for Stock Brokers. Phoenix TechnoCyber helped them to fill the security gaps successfully.
Customer is the MNC company in Oils and Machinery business. The company was in process of Takeover of a leading company in India. All the loopholes in the application of Acquired Entity have to be identified and fixed in a week. Customer successfully deployed the solution.